Analyzing performance
and design of the available pumps we are inclined to use screw pumps in our aim
to reduce water content in the skimmer.
Its geometry and
the way in which power transmission takes place makes us think that they are
the most suitable to work together with a centrifugal separator.
Now is the time to
take action: We will create a prototype that will allow us to verify the
results of our theoretical study.
The challenge in
front of us is huge. We have the need to design and manufacture three devices
in one: a weir skimmer, an Archimedes screw pump and a centrifugal separator.
Since we have a
long experience in skimmers manufacture we will leave it for the last moment,
so we will concentrate at first on the design and manufacture of the pump as it
represents the core of this new equipment for Oil Spill Response. We will call